Monday, October 20, 2008

#1 thirteen reasons why

#1 Thirteen Reasons Why

Haha wow okay, so yeah this is going to be my new private blog. My livej - well I don't really trust it anymore. I mean I know that Ange and Hout are nice and all, but I'm not close to Ange and I don't trust Hout, so this is the blog that's going to be genuinely private, no invites, nothing.

I realised that I've been really gossipy and all, and I've told people my secrets that could also potentially hurt others, and so I've decided that I must just shut up. Like I've said way too many things already, but hopefully it will end here. (: And I vow (hopefully I respect myself enough to keep my own vow) not to tell anyone things that are posted here. So if they are here on this blog, they are 100% hush hush, not even for the ears of my very best friend.

Yeah, and I'm not going to talk about Jam here, since I went into enough detail about it all over my livej -.-

Today I was seriously attitude to my mum. Yeah. So I wrote this story:


The best days of Megan's life had probably started when her darling child Casey was born. Since she entered her twenties, Megan had began to dream of her perfect girl. When her daughter was born, she would be the sweetest child alive, and all her friends who were also mothers would look on in jealousy whenever they saw them crossing the road together, hand in hand. Her daughter would be beautiful, yes - very pretty, and the object of everyone's affection, girl or guy.

And when Megan was a little older, she was married to the perfect guy, Justin. He took care of her, loved her, was concerned about her, and a perfect gentleman to top it all off. In short, he was about everything you could look for in a guy.

Two years after her marriage, her wish for a daughter was fulfilled. And as the years progressed, she found that her wish for the perfect daughter had not been forgotten either. She gave birth to Casey. The years flew by and Casey turned four. Megan had heard so many stories her friends' children being horrific screamers who often threw tantrums - but not her Casey. Her Casy was wonderful, her Casey ran up to hug her every afternoon once kindergarten class was over. She couldn't help but swell with pride and love whenever she felt little Casey's arms thrown around her legs in greeting. And then, like she'd imagined so many years ago, Casey would hold her hand as they crossed the road back to their house.

Casey gradually grew older into an exceptional young girl. Besides the ability to hold herself unusually well for her age, she had a passion for singing. She sang in the car, she sang in her room, and she didn't hide it either. She wouldn't sing for her friends, but she reserved her talent especially for her family, singing unabashedly in the living room, to the delighted applause of Justin and Megan. Casey was the girl that they had always hoped for.

More happy years passed, and Megan felt so fortunate that her wishes had been granted. Eventually, Casey turned fourteen. She was a stunning girl, and Megan had heard from her teachers that she was not short of friends and admirers at school. She was so proud of her mature little Casey, the one who had always been sweet and was now loved by her friends at school. She noticed though, that Casey had stopped her singing at home. She thought about it many times, but she never asked Casey just in case she found it pressurizing. Their rooms were connected by a sliding door, and a while ago, she'd hardly heard Casey singing, until gradually, it stopped altogether.

One night, Megan was washing her face after an especially tiring day at work. She wiped her face with a towel moist with warm water, enjoying the feel of it. Hearing the silence from Casey's room, she began to think of how much she missed Casey's singing. What wouldn't she give to hear that light-hearted, jovial voice singing again?

Suddenly, as if someone had heard her constant prayers and decided to look down on her in kindness, she heard Casey singing again. A smile lit up her face and she felt as if she was relieved of a heavy burden that she had been keeping to herself. She inhaled deeply, enjoying the bliss. Casey had been busy with schoolwork lately, and had had little time to talk to Megan.

Megan suddenly felt overcome with a wave of love for her daughter, and wanted to just speak to her. She slid the door open and said tentatively, "Casey?"

Casey looked up at her mother with her headphones still on. She took them off and let them rest on her shoulders, giving her mother a curious look to show that she was listening.
Megan smiled and commented, "It's good to hear you singing so loudly and happily again - I've missed it so dearly." Expecting a smile from her daughter, or maybe even a hug, she was completely unprepared for what came next.

Casey didn't even smile, the corners of her lips hardly twitched. Instead, she shrugged and looked away again, putting on her headphones, successfully shutting her mother's words out.
Something seemed to break in Megan, and she withdrew into the washroom once again. She left the door open, hoping to catch her daughter singing again. But somehow, she knew that Casey wouldn't sing again, now that she knew that Megan was listening. And Megan was absolutely right.

With a shuddering breath, Megan broke down, and her shoulders shook as she let the grief running through her take over for a moment. Justin came in and even his comforting hug couldn't dull the sharp pain of Casey's rejection of her own mother.

As she quietly sobbed in Justin's embrace, she reflected that maybe, just maybe this was something that all mothers had to face sooner or later -

Being shut out by their children; having to listen behind closed doors.


Yeah. I guess I'm really quite bad to my mum, but I don't know how to be nice to her.

I want these:
- Ushering Ministry
- P6 Ministry
- Superlife Ministry
- Dance Ministry (for Christmas)
- Gymnastics
- Tarbet Cheerleading

But Cheerleading, Gymnastics and Ushering will conflict! In fact the first two conflict with church too, but I want them so, so badly! I have no idea what I should do. I really hope that they let me join both Gymnastics and NPCC.

Yeah, I guess this is enough for tonight,
And I really should start doing my QT again.

mon cheri

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